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日期:2019-11-28 阅读:

1.Wang, L.J.(2019).Perspectives of students with special needs on inclusion in general physical education: A social relational model of disability.Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, 36, 242-263.

2.Wang, L.J.(2019).Accelerometer-determined physical activity of children during school days: the Shanghaiperspective.European Physical Education Review, 25(3), 816-829.

3.Zhou, Y. L., &Wang, L. J.(通讯作者)(2019). Correlates of physical activity of students in secondary school physical education: A systematic review of literature.BioMed Research International, e4563484.

4.Wang, M., &Wang, L. J.(通讯作者) (2018). Teaching games for understanding intervention to promote physical activity amongsecondaryschool students.BioMed Research International, e3737595.

5.Qi, J. &Wang, L.J. (通讯作者)(2018). Social Interaction between Students with and without Disabilities in General Physical Education: A Chinese Perspective.Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy, 23(6), 575-591.


7.Wang, L.J., Tang, Y, Luo, J. (2017).School and community physical activity characteristics and moderate-to-vigorous physical activity among Chinese school-aged children: A multilevel path model analysis.Journal of Sport and Health Science,6(4), 416-412

8.Wang, L.J.(2017).Using the self-determination theory to understand

Chinese adolescent leisure-time physical activity.European Journal of Sports Science, 17, 4,453-461.

9.Wang, L.J.,Sun, J.C., Zhao, S.Z (2017). Physical activity of parents and parental support as predictors of physical activity of Chinese children: Does the gender of children matter?European Physical Education Review,23(1), 110-126.


11.康茜、王丽娟(通讯作者)青少年休闲性体力活动影响因素研究——基于计划行为理论.中国学校卫生,2016, 37(6), 851-855

12.Wang, L.J.,& Wang, L. (2016). Association between family structure and physical activity of Chinese adolescents.BioMed Research International, e4278682, 1-7.

13.Wang, L.J.& Zhang, Y. (2016). An extended version of the theory of planned behaviour: the role of self-efficacy and past behaviour in predicting the physical activity of Chinese adolescent.Journal of Sports Sciences,34(7), 587-597.

14.Wang, L.J.,Qi.J., & Wang, L. (2015).Beliefs of Chinese physicaleducators on teaching students withdisabilitiesin general physical education classes.Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly,32, 137-155.

15.Wang, L.J., & Wang, L. (2015). Using theory of planned behaviour to predict the physical activity of children: Probing gender differences.BioMed Research International, e536904, 1-9.

16.Wang, L.J.,Wang, M., & Wen, H.W. (2015).Teaching practice of physical education teachers for students with special needs: Anapplicationof the theory of planned behavior.International Journal of Disability,Development and Education,62(6), 590-607.

17.Sun, F.H+.,Wang, L.J+.,(共同一作)& Wang, L. (2015).Effects of weight management program on postural stability and neuromuscular function among obese children: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial.Trials, 16(143), 1-8. (+ equal contributors)

18.郜苗,王丽娟(通讯作者).(2015)上海市小学生父母亲对孩子参与体力活动的支持度调查。成都体育学院学报, 41(6), 122-126.

19.Wang, L.J. (2014). Teaching perspectives of pre-service physical education teachers: Shanghai experience.Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy, 19(5), 451-466.

20.Wang, L.J.,Ha, A.S., & Qi, J. (2014).Teaching perspectives of Chinese teachers: Compatibility with the goals of physical education curriculum.Journal of Teaching in Physical Education, 33, 213-231

21.Wang, L.J. (2013). Using the Theory of Planned Behavior to Understand the Beliefs of Chinese Teachers Concerning Teaching Games for Understanding.Journal of Teaching in Physical Education, 32, 4-21.

22.Wang, L.J.& Ha, A.S.(2013). Three Groups of Teachers’ views, learning experience, and Understanding of Teaching Games for Understanding.Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy, 18(3), 363-350.

23.Wang, L.J.& Ha, A.S.(2013). The theory of planned behavior: Predicting pre-service teachers’ teaching behavior towards a constructivist approach.Sport Education & Society, 18(2), 222-242。

24.Wang, L.J.& Ha, A.S. (2012). Factors influencing pre-service teachers’ perception of Teaching Games for Understanding: A constructivist perspective.Sport Education & Society,17(2), 261-280.

25.Wang, L.J.& Ha, A.S. (2012). Mentoring in TGfU Teaching: Mutual Engagement of Pre-service Teachers, Cooperating Teachers, and University Supervisors.European Physical Education Review,18(1), 47-61.

26.Wang, L.J.(2012).Teaching perspectives of pre-service physical education teachers in Shanghai: A pilot study.Asia Social Science,8(1), 217-224.

27.Wang, L.J., & Ha, A.S(2009).Pre-service teachers’perception of teaching games for understanding:A Hong Kong perspective.European Physical Education Review, 15(3), 407-429.

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